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(250/308) 1768 - CtagsInterface doesn't restore Tag Preview split position

When using CtagsInterface with the Tag Preview dockable at the bottom, and two horizontal panes (Vertical Split checkbox not ticked) the dockable seems to forget the split position when the editor is closed and reopened, and sometimes (but not always) when the dockable is hidden and then re-displayed by another bottom docked dockable becoming active (like Hypersearch results, Console, SVN, etc.) The split bar will sometimes move all the way to the left, making the file list about 10 characters wide and the source lines take the rest of the bottom docking area.

Submitted snarum-micron - 2014-01-03 16:41:13.449000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels CtagsInterface
Status open Group None
Resolution None
